Sunday, August 30, 2009

Oh the twins were so proud to pick out their own back packs. The boys have customized Rangers back packs. The artwork is on the straps so they can see them. SOmetime i am glad i am so artsy. HA HA

Here they are lined up before they go inside for their first official day. Tyrell was too cool to let e go to class with him. The twins were excited but a little bit nervous. They did great after a bit.
Here was the walk to school. A lot of them ran, Nikki held my hand for a while because she was so nervous. She went as far as to share that her stomach hurt.

We mad eit through the week all right. They had a good week and the twins think they should be able to walk to school all by themselves. They get mad when we wont let them. Ohhhhh they want to get old too fast.

1 comment:

Robyn said...

OMG, Paula - it has been a long long time since i came on here - but i just can't get over how much the kids have grown - i looked at all the pictures and cried - they look so happy and i can't get over how much tyrell resembles damon especially with the dark hair and style. please please give them all a big hug and kiss from me. i am so sorry that i have not kept in closer contact. we, too, have new additions to our family - i am now a proud grandmother of 3 beautiful grandbabies: chante, who i beieve was just a newborn when you left, is now 4 years old and pat and i are raising her, then there's shayla who is 18 months old and then little chaske who is 7 months old AND they are all living with us along with their dad, our son patrick. i have also completed my master's degree this year and am the assistant elementary principal for the 2nd year at poplar. and yes, i still have your geneology question email in my inbox and will get to it because the renz name doesn't really apply to us, but will tell you more in the email. i just had to get on here to tell you that i am grateful that you are so tech savvy and are willing to post the family pics here. i will certainly be checking back more frequently. love to all.
Robyn Baker